What Are The Doshas
Ayurveda divides the elements that make up an individual person’s constitution into “doshas.” The three doshas, as they commonly called, are Vata, Kapha, and Pitta.
Vata is involved with movement, it is always moving like the wind. Kapha energy governs fluid dynamics, and Structure. Pitta governs your “Digestive Fire.”
Every person has all three doshas, though not in equal amounts. Normally there is a primary and secondary dosha which are dominant, with some smaller volume of the third dosha present.
Dosha indicate imbalances. If your entire being was in harmony (balance) there would be no dosha impacting you. This may seem like we are mincing words, but words matter. People have begun describing themselves according to their doshas- i.e, “I am Vata, I am SO PITTA! My kapha is getting the best of me.” But that is incorrect and is not helpful. You are not your DOSHA. The presence of the dosha’s indicate something is out of alignment, it isn’t helpful to identify with them.
A Little More About The Doshas
Vata (movement) – is made of space and air. Vata dosha is involved in breathing, muscles movement, heart beat and all the internal movement within the body. When Vata is in balance it shows up as creativity and flexibility. When VATA is out of balance, you get fear and anxiety.
Pitta (digestive fire)- is a combination of Fire and Water. It governs digestion, metabolism, and temperature. When in balance, pitta brings focus, drive, and intellect. Out of balance, Pitta becomes anger, jealousy and aggression.
Kapha (hydrodynamics and structure)- Kapha is made up of the Earth and Water. It provides fluid and fluidity to the body. When Kapha is balance you experience it as love, equipoise and steadiness. Out of balance, you become clingy, bitter, sluggish and stagnant.